"Grab Your Seat and And Enjoy My Journey" Hello guys and welcome to my blog...First of all, this blog was created to portray my journey in Bachelor Of Science (Hons) In Plantation Technology And Management that consists of Field Work subject. I currently further my study at UITM Jasin, Melaka. So hopefully you guys can join my journey together and stay tuned till the end !!

October 23, 2021

Seed Treatment

Thanks guys for always supporting me!! Sorry for being late in updating my blog progress... Hopefully you guys always in good. So today I'm glad to share about my next topic in field work learning which is "SEED TREATMENT". I very excited to share this topic because of in my life I never know detailed about the seed treatment that should we do before we planting a plant.So basically, what is the meaning of seed treatment? Here we go... Seed treatment can be defined as application of chemical or biological substances to seeds to control pest and disease and improve the germination rate. So seed treatment can be done in two ways:

1) Physical Method - Water soak,hot water and infrared irradiation
2) Chemistry Method- Usage of thiram and captan

Other than that, we also learn about the how environmental factors can influence the seed germination which is consist of three elements:

1) Light- depend on the seed species, but basically the light percents are moderate

2) Water and Oxygen- Water should not excess to allow oxygen can be accessed by the seed

3) Temperature - needs warm temperature, which 27 Celsius and above

we also learn about the growing medium the plant which is:

1) Soil
2) Organic material (Peat Mass,Compost,
3) Organic Ingredient (Saw Dust,Vermiculite)
4) Inorganic Ingredient (Rice Hulls,Pumice,Perlite,Sand,Rock Wool)

So that's all from me about my second week learning. U guys can try it at home by planting seed in any growing medium and follow the things that I just explain up there.... Please stay tune guys for the next week knowledge... Thanks!!